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  • Egil Droge. Man smiling at the camera through a car window, with a hyena in the background.

    Egil Dröge

    Carnivore Ecologist

    I’ve been interested in all things living for as long as I can remember. Fascinated about how all species…

  • Daniele Cotton

    Cancer Researcher & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

    I’m a cancer researcher and training clinician. I study how cancer spreads in people’s bodies. This is important, as…

  • Tom Pavey profile image

    Tom Pavey

    Ecologist & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

    There is relatively little research conducted combining studies on the climate and biodiversity crises. As fundamentally entangled areas of…

  • Nima Khalighinejad against the background of a clock. Featured image for the video "How do we decide when to act?"

    How do we decide when to act?

    What did you do in the few seconds before reading this? Sit down and take out your phone? Scroll…

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