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  • The Chagos Brain Coral

    On the Edge of Existence: Rediscovering a Lost Coral

    “I had been waiting so long to have access to these reefs again, to see whether this species had…

  • Bryan Wilson profile image

    Bry Wilson

    Coral Biologist

    In its simplest form, I’m a marine biologist, and I have long been fascinated by this microbial soup (that…

  • Diogo Veríssimo profile image.

    Diogo Veríssimo

    Social Scientist

    Diogo Veríssimo is an Oxford Martin Fellow focusing on the design and evaluation of behaviour change interventions to tackle…

  • Amy Dickman profile image

    Amy Dickman

    Wildlife Conservationist

    “I have been associated with the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) since 1997, and in 2022 took over from…

  • Wanted poster for a missing fish

    Where are all the Mangarahara cichlid hiding?

    In the early 2000s, Brian Zimmerman and his team at London Zoo received a donation from a private fish-breeder…

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