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  • Storm Clouds

    What happens after a storm?

    In our latest episode of the Big Questions podcast we visited Dr Peter Walton, a geography teacher turned fellow…

  • Big Questions Podcast artwork

    How fast is Greenland moving?

    Greenland has some many fascinating facts like it’s the world’s largest island, it belongs to Denmark, it actually isn’t…

  • Big Questions Podcast artwork

    The Canary in the Coal Mine: could seabirds be the warning signs for our oceans?

    Dr Annette Fayet tells us about the Manx Shearwater; a little seabird that makes a huge journey. Every year…

  • Power People

    Did you know that you are in charge of a power station? It’s true. Every time you flick a…

  • Big Questions Podcast artwork

    What do changes to populations of penguins tell us about climate change?

    How do you understand how large populations of penguins on Antarctica change? And how can you use this information…

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