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  • Behind the scenes in the Fly Lab

    Across the world, many species are at risk of extinction because of climate change. But did you know that…

  • Andrew Wood

    Andrew Wood

    Plant biologist

    I have always been interested in how plants grow in their environment. I did my undergraduate here at University…

  • How will climate change affect wine?

    People have been interested in wine growing and quality vintages since the Roman times, but as the climate warms,…

  • Snowy mountains

    What are the odds of a white Christmas?

    As we count down to the festive season and the days get colder, will we see a white Christmas…

  • Tom Pavey profile image

    Tom Pavey

    Ecologist & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

    There is relatively little research conducted combining studies on the climate and biodiversity crises. As fundamentally entangled areas of…

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