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  • Tyrannosaurus rex; featured image for podcast episode "Could 'Jurassic Park' actually happen?"

    Could ‘Jurassic Park’ actually happen?

    “Life finds a way”…This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the release of Stephen Spielberg and Universal Studio’s dinosaur…

  • Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente profile image

    Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente


    I spent a non-negligible part of my first decade of life buried in books about dinosaurs and planets (respectively)…

  • Is This A Fossil I See Before Me?

    Lockdown Walks – Is this a fossil I see before me?

    You find fossils on the beach, right? If you’re really lucky and spend ages looking? WRONG! Fossils – by…

  • Still image from the animation 'Shedding Light on the Situation'.

    Shedding Light on the Situation

    Light is more than just light bulbs and sunshine! Researchers at the University of Oxford use different types of…

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