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  • Imma Oliveras Menor

    Imma Oliveras Menor

    Plant and ecosystems ecologist, fire ecologist

    I was born in a rural town in the mountains of Catalonia, and I have had a passion for…

  • Cocoa Pod

    Could chocolate go extinct?

    Chocolate. It’s rare to find anyone who isn’t partial to a square or two of this delicious treat. But…

  • Is This A Fossil I See Before Me?

    Lockdown Walks – Is this a fossil I see before me?

    You find fossils on the beach, right? If you’re really lucky and spend ages looking? WRONG! Fossils – by…

  • Should all robots have an ethical black box?

    WHODUNNIT?! Nowadays, the idea of encountering robots in our daily lives isn’t pure science fiction. Many of us interact…

  • Can we build an eco-friendly aeroplane?

    Remember those days when it was possible to climb aboard a plane and jet off around the world? Well,…

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