Rebecca Garnett

Primary Health Care Scientist & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

Hi my name is Becky! I did my Biological Sciences undergraduate degree at Oxford, and then I popped over to the ‘other place’ (Cambridge) to do a Bioscience Enterprise Master’s degree. I have just started my DPhil at Oxford University, where I will be researching ‘deprescription’ – the concept of reducing medication that is deemed to be inappropriate. My interests are wide-ranging but all have a key core theme – the practical application of science to society.

The reason I applied to be an Oxford Sparks Ambassador is because I passionately believe that science must be communicated in a fun, accessible and easy-to–understand way in order to capture people’s initial interest and then keep them engaged. I ultimately hope to become a university lecturer, and so I am looking forward to developing my presentation skills by creating Oxford Sparks videos!